Middle Year Program (MYP) - Vivekananda Techno School Banner Image

Middle Year Program (MYP)

Developing active learners and internationally-minded young people

Sarah Thompson
Sarah Thompson

MYP Principal

Rajesh Mehta
Rajesh Mehta

MYP Coordinator

"In the MYP, we encourage students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world, preparing them to succeed in further education and life."

Sarah Thompson, MYP Principal

The MYP Philosophy

The Middle Years Programme at Vivekananda Techno School nurtures our students through this critical phase of their development. We recognize that adolescents are at a pivotal period of personal, social, physical, and intellectual growth, of uncertainty and questioning.

The MYP is designed to guide students in their search for a sense of place in their natural and social environments. The programme's focus on independent learning helps students develop both the skills and the attitudes they will need for future academic success.

Our approach encourages students to build upon their personal strengths and to embrace challenges in all subject areas. The MYP offers students opportunities to develop their potential, explore their own learning preferences, take appropriate risks, and reflect on themselves as learners.

MYP Programme Framework

The MYP curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents.

Eight Subject Groups

Language & Literature Language Acquisition Individuals & Societies Mathematics Sciences Arts Physical Education Design

Interdisciplinary Learning

Students combine knowledge, understanding and skills from multiple subject groups to create deeper understanding. Each year, students engage in at least one interdisciplinary unit that involves multiple subject groups.

Core Components of the MYP

Approaches to Learning

Students develop skills for research, critical and creative thinking, communication, self-management and collaboration – essential for lifelong learning.

Global Contexts

Learning best takes place in context. Students develop an understanding of their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet through developmentally appropriate explorations.

Service as Action

Through community service, students develop and apply personal and social skills in real-life situations involving decision-making, problem-solving, and initiative.

The Personal Project

The Personal Project is a significant student-directed inquiry produced over an extended period, completed during Year 5 of the MYP. It holds a special place in the MYP as the culminating experience.

The Personal Project encourages students to practice and strengthen their approaches to learning (ATL) skills, consolidate prior and subject-specific learning, and develop an area of personal interest.

Students are expected to choose their project, which can take many forms, and take the process through to completion under the supervision of a staff member.

This project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly creative piece of work and to demonstrate the skills they have developed in their approaches to learning.

Project Components:
  • A process journal
  • A product or outcome
  • A report or presentation
Student working on personal project

MYP Assessment

Assessment in the MYP aims to support and encourage student learning by providing feedback on the learning process, preparing students for final assessment, and promoting positive attitudes toward learning.

MYP Assessment Principles:

The MYP assessment model is criterion-related. Teachers structure varied assessment tasks so that students can demonstrate achievement according to objectives defined by the IB. Tasks are assessed against established criteria, not against the work of other students.

Assessment Criteria Areas:

Knowing & Understanding


Investigating Patterns




Applying Mathematics

Reporting to Parents

We believe in transparent communication with parents regarding student progress. Our reporting system includes:

  • Quarterly progress reports
  • Twice-yearly detailed report cards
  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • Online access to continuous assessment
  • Student-led portfolio presentations

Student Support & Wellbeing

At Vivekananda Techno School, we recognize that adolescence is a time of significant change and growth. Our MYP team provides comprehensive support to nurture both academic excellence and personal wellbeing.

MYP counselor with students

Middle School Counselling

Our dedicated MYP counsellors provide:

  • Academic guidance and planning
  • Social-emotional support
  • Transition assistance (from PYP to MYP and MYP to DP)
  • Conflict resolution strategies
  • Study skills and time management coaching
  • Group sessions focusing on relevant adolescent issues

The counselling team works collaboratively with teachers, parents, and external specialists when needed to ensure each student receives appropriate support.


Vivekananda Techno School
Student Life


School Song


Diwali Celebration